This Feb is really busy month we have 3big event on the Feb 9-11-23/2013
a lot of sell and is really big event if you would like to promote your business
we have 3 big event this month join us
on Feb9-11 we have10 table harry to register
February 9 and 11.2013 we have the
Symposium at
Bryne Creek School the Vendor
Tables are $30 for both days. We have lots of Families and individuals
coming through for the two days as it is a long weekend and Monday is
Family day.
Please forward the information and let me know right
away so that we can place them.
They can stay set up from
Evening until take down on
Monday evening.
Money must be paid
beforehand to secure the spot.We encourage them to have a full set
250-500 business cards and information about their business with them so
people have the opportunity to follow up and enable them the make
repeat sales and clientele.
Join us on Feb9-11 we have10 table harry to register
Table cost for 2Days is $30
Setup must be Friday 6pm Feb8/2013
The place will be scourer for vender to lease their product
market from 9-4pmfor Sat and Monday
Byrne Creek Secondary school
7777 - 18th Street
Burnaby, BC, V3N 5E5
Plus our
Mmonthly Market ( ~ and Family day event will both on
Location at:
St Mary Church #
# 121East Columbia st
New west
Table cost $15-$25
For more info feel free to contact me
Lubna Ali Abdelrahman
Executive Director
Bitmakaly Women’s Association
# 91-7475Woodbrook Pl
Buranby BC V5A 4G4
(778) 919-1208 FAX: